"By following the market actively, we prepare appropriate structures according to the current situation and we use the authorities that we have undertaken to fulfill our responsibilities reasonably..."
While the breezy developments are still continuing in economical, political and social conjuncture at the world and in our country; Unal Kablo Inc. which performs its activities and services with the vision of becoming one of the most reputable, reliable, prestigious and enterpreneur companies in its region has focussed on mid term and long term strategical targets. In this context while effectuating our targets in Construction, Energy and Marketing fields on the other hand we have determined our plans, programs and investments which will be taking our company into a fast development and growth trend.
Our purpose is to become a world company with its service and activity fields as a regional power which has provided sustainable and increased efficiency, has already embraced excellent and perfection understanding, innovative, transparent, presents qualified and pioneer services and products, has accepted social responsibility as its principle in our country which also continues its growth both in the world and in its region and which continues to increase its international importance especially in recent years.
With my best regards,
Mehmet Meydancı Chairman
Unal Cable, in Tekirdağ / Çorlu with 30.000 m² closed area built on 40.000m² total area, is one of the prominent instutions in Turkey.Our company produce solutions for transfering, using and presenting the energy.
instutions in Turkey. Our company produce solutions for transferring,using
and presenting the energy.
Today, Unal Cable has a broad range of cable products, which includes Power
Cables, Signal & Control Cables, Fire Resistance Cables, Instrumentation Cables,
Shipwiring & Marine Cables, Data Cables, Telecominication Cables, Coaxial Cables,
Silicon Cables, Plug Cables, Special Cables, Solar Cables and Bare Coppers.
Our firm has a global role by exporting over 60 percent of its production to 5
different continents and more than 70 countries.
With the emerging global demand for cable, our use of the latest technology and
ability to deliver value has made us one of the fastest-growing members of the
downstream cable market. We have set our sights on contributing to a sustainable
future which aligns with our goal of environmental stewardship.
Having various types of quality and management certificates, Unal Cable, with
permanent and sustainable projects, has its place in the most trustworthy cable
manufacturers of Turkey, by giving attention to the product quality and customers
Unal, giving service to customers with more than 200 employees, provides a
dynamic human resource, an excellent product quality and high technology. Unal
Cable, aims to raise its brand value not just in Turkey, but also both locally and
globally. We put forth the vision of becoming one of the leader firms in global
cable industry.
Behind Unal Cable’s achievements, there is an approach of customer and productivity
driven management. This approach has been improved, by considering the
benefits of whole society along with the financial earnings. With this awareness,
our company, implements sponsorships and social responsibility projects aiming
various types of fields such as child development, education, environment, culture
and arts and sports.
Meet customer necessities and expectations. Becoming a trustworthy solution provider by continuously developing
innovative techniques.Support a philosophy of; better service, user-friendly products for customer
satisfactions. Create new markets and adopt technologies with R & D investment. Transform experience into
sustainable services and products. Targeted business excellence with selective employers and partners with
competitive and high quality solutions, thanks to 34 years of e xperience and hard work.
Our company policy is comprised by costumer focusing, auto controlling on processes automatically, trying
to have right choices and work effectively, superposing the technologies by R & D investments to capture
near future innovations, adding new product ranges, being always competitive and reflect to the co-operates, trying new ways to develop service quality, existing more non-governmental
- foundation projects & charites to be a member of g lobal trade mark in domestic and abroad markets.
Kuruluş faaliyetleri kapsamında ve uygulamalarında ISO 9001: 2015 Kalite Yönetim Sistemini etkin olarak uygulamak,
güncelliğini ve sürekli gelişimini sağlamak,
Toplam Kalite felsefesini esas alarak, takım ruhu içerisinde şirket ve birim hedeflerine ulaşılması,
Sürekli iyileştirme yaklaşımı doğrultusunda tüm süreçlerimizdeki verimliliğin uluslararası düzeyde rekabet edebilecek
seviyeye yükseltilmesi,
Yenilikçi ve yaratıcı yaklaşımların cesaretlendirilmesi, teknik ve davranışsal yetkinlikleri artıracak eğitimlerin
‘Koşulsuz Müşteri Memnuniyeti’ felsefesi doğrultusunda, yapılacak tüm faaliyetlerde ‘Müşteri Odaklılığı’ felsefesini
geçerli kılmak,
Sunulan ürün ve hizmetleri; müşteri ihtiyaç ve beklentilerini, yasal mevzuatı ve ilgili standartları tam olarak
karşılanmasını sağlamak.
İklim değişikliğiyle mücadele kapsamında politika ve stratejilerimizi belirlerken çevresel, sosyal, ekonomik, teknolojik ve finansal unsurları dikkate alarak, iklim değişikliğine uyum sağlamak ve sera gazı emisyonlarını azaltmak amacıyla çalışmalar yürütmek,
Kuruluş faaliyetleri kapsamında ve uygulamalarında ISO 14001: 2015 Çevre Yönetim Sistemini etkin olarak
uygulamak, güncelliğini ve sürekli gelişimini sağlamak,
Ulusal ve uluslararası yasal mevzuat ve düzenlemelere uyarak, sürekli gelişmeyi temel alan bir çevre yönetim sistemi
dâhilinde çevre dostu ürünler üretmek,
Çalışanlarımızı, tedarikçilerimizi ve taşeronlarımızı çevrenin korunması konusunda bilinçlendirmek amacıyla eğitim
faaliyetleri düzenlemek,
Çevre üzerindeki olası etkileri kontrol altında tutmayı ve en aza indirmek için uygun teknolojiyi kullanmak,
Çevre yönetim sistemimizin temel unsurlarıdır.
Costumer Focusing
• We listen to our costumers efficiently.
• We give quick response to our costumers.
• We consider our costumers suggestions & future prospects.
• We create empathy between costumers & us to understand them.
High Performance
• We keep our motivation high.
• We put high standart aims.
• We focuse on right job and try to work efficiently.
• We are aware of high performance and create high performance teams.
• We support work & special life equilibration
Openness to innovation
• We create feasible ideas and implement quickly.
• We follow the market actively and prepare suitable formations according
to the conditions.
• We prepare flexible areas in order to disclose our difference s.
• We support our new ideas and encourage each other.
• We are all aware our responsibilities.
• We do undertake our work.
• We give and take the authority what is needed able to fulfill our responsibilites.
• Our consciousnessis high regarding social responsibility.
• Our guiding principle is managed by our targets.
• Our target is to obtain long-term and sustainable achievement s.
• We are all responsible to growth who will support us and we i nvest in.
• We create organizations which is able to reach permanent and continuous
D-U-N-S Number
Procuring and Supplying in a Sustainable Manner ( INSTALLING WORTH )
One of UNAL's most important roles is to ensure stable, long-term procurement and supply of resources, raw materials and other inputs that support people's lifestyles in line with the needs of Turkiye and every other country and region in which we do business. Going forward, we will continue to implement a sustainable approach to procurement and supply operations while taking into account environmental and social factors not only in our own business but also throughout our supply chains.
Addressing the Needs of Society through Business Innovation ( ORGANIC GROWTH )
Unal has consistently provided added value in line with the needs of the times by evolving of our business models. We will continue to work to address the needs of society by creating innovative business solutions while keeping a pulse on major industrial shifts brought about by technological advances.
Conserving he Naturel Enviroment ( Defend Green )
Recognizing the Earth as our largest stakeholder, Unal works to ensure the continuity of its business by preserving biodiversity, reducing the environmental impact of its operations and conserving the natural environment.
Growing with Communities ( PAY IT FORWARD )
It is important to engage and grow together with a variety of stakeholders in each region where we undertake business activities. In addition to contributing to regional development through our business, we will continue to work to create bonds with communities through corporate philanthropy initiatives and other means.
Orange Book ( PERFORM ETHICS )
To ensure Unal’s financial health and longevity, we foster our commitment to ethical business practices. Doing Right underpins every aspect of our company. Unal upholds our obligation to operate responsibly while maintaining our excellent reputation with our customers, suppliers, regulators and the communities that we serve. Through our culture, we expect our employees to live this approach daily.
Fostering Our Employees' Maximum Potential and Wellbeing Health, Secured Humans in workplace ( HEALTH AND SAFETY )
Unal's employees are a diverse group not only in terms of gender and nationality, but also with respect to their lifestyles and values. In order to continue to create corporate value in a sustainable manner amidst rapid globalization and diversification of our business, we will continue efforts to create working environments where the members of our diverse workforce are able to realize both personal and professional growth as they share values in a spirit of mutual learning.
AR-GE müdürümüz Sn. Furkan Kaya TUBLOK Kongresinde sözlü sunum yapmıştır.
Firmamız yetkilileri 4-7 Aralık 2024 tarihinde İstanbul Tüyap Fuar Merkezinde düzenlenen ‘Plast Eurasia İstanbul 2024 ’’ fuarına katıldı.
Düzenlediğimiz ''Yaza Veda Etkinliği'' organizasyonumuzda buluştuk...
Ünal Kablo olarak, sürdürülebilirliğin en önemli unsurlarından olan yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarımıza ilave olarak ‘’GES ‘’ projemizi devreye almış bulunmaktayız
Ünal Kablo Dış Ticaret Departmanı Win Eurasia 2024 Fuarını ziyaret etti..
Ünal Kablo ‘’ Öğretmenler Arası 4. Ulusal Özgün Öğretim Materyalleri Geliştirme Yarışması Sergi Ve Ödül Töreni’’ etkinliği kapsamında KIZILPINAR ENDÜSTRİ MESLEK LİSESİNE sponsor olarak eğitime ve gençlere verdiği önem ile desteğini devam ettirmektedir. Etkinliğe katılan bütün okullara ve değerli öğretmenlerine hayat boyu başarılar dileriz..
Hedefi kaliteli üretim ve müşteri memnuniyeti olan Ünal Kablo,
IT ekibinin geliştirdiği ERP programı PORTAKAL ile yeni bir
dönem başlatmanın gururunu yaşıyor.
PORTAKAL ile hem kendi içerimizdeki hemde müşterilerimiz arasındaki
işleyişi dahada hızlandırdık. Güncel teknolojiyi tecrübemizle
birleştirdiğimiz bu ERP programı ile güvenli büyümeye devam ediyoruz.
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